Monday, September 14, 2009

Fullhouse with Susan

12 September 2009,零九年九月十二日
8:30pm - 10:40pm,晚间八点半至十点四十分
Fullhouse Cafe, NZX (牛车水)

傍晚七点三十七分左右挺意外地接到 Susan (马六甲多媒体大学的商课老友)的短讯与来电,想不到她当时竟然已经身在 PJ,正想看看宅在家里的我是否愿意出来聚聚走走呢~ 当然百分百的愿意啦^^不过... 我好像才刚冬眠起来叻,唯有请她稍微等一下咯~ XD

该女将近晚间八点二十分就抵达牛车水了,因为她从未去过 Fullhouse 的关系,我们俩就先行走去了;她的“老大” Charles 则是泊好车子后才加入我们。 Fullhouse 当晚蛮多人的,无可否认它正是仅存的能为牛车水这一个“商店街”带来注目礼的为数不多的亮点之一

基本上我们一贯地闲聊、喝茶吃点心、东走西逛,更不忘了拍拍照留念。我们还点了半打的Petit Four糕点来尝尝,很失望地并非有如宣传般地唇齿留香…

Received SMS and call from Susan (old friend from FBL, MMU Melaka) around 7:37pm, asking whether it's OK for us to meet up, since she was here in PJ on that particular day. Well of course I'd love to ^^ But hmmm anyway I asked for some time for getting ready since I just woke up from my long long nap~ XD

She arrived at NZX at 8:20pm or so, then we girls went over to Fullhouse because she never been there yet; where her god brother Charles would join us after parking his car. Well the café was quite crowded, and yes I agreed it was one of the remaining few reasons that the public’s still aware of the existence of this particular “boulevard”

Basically we had out chit-chat, some tea breaks, the sight-seeing, and not to forget about the photography session. We even had ourselves half a dozen of the Petit Four cakes, well not really as good as they claimed to be, I must say...

Susan, at the shopping area
在购物区留影的 Susan

The Petit Four, image from Fullhouse's official web
Petit Four 糕点,载自 Fullhouse 官方网站

With Susan, well I dyed my hair after that :p
与 Susan 合照,几天后的我又在染发了 :p

Susan & her God Brother Charles
Susan 和她的“老大” Charles

我们大概逗留至十点四十分才各自离开,Susan 和 Charles 俩还打算过去 Sea Park 的一间印度店铺那儿吃夜宵 (鸡肉椰浆饭)呢... ^___^|| 她现在还真的比较能吃了耶?!好啦,要记得保重哦,能与你一起再见面真的感觉很不赖呃 ^^

We parted at 10:40pm since the two of them were going over to Sea Park for supper (Nasi Lemak Ayam) at mamak's... ^___^|| Gosh... she's eating more now huh? Take care sis, nice meeting up with you again ^^

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