Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Movies, again

20 September 2009,零九年九月二十日
11:45am - 4:30pm,午前十一时三刻至午后四点半
GSC Tropicana City Mall

长长的周末老是呆在家里的话太对不起自己了,周日当天终于大摇大摆地再次到 GSC Tropicana 那儿去连续看了两场电影,不知道什么时候会终于破纪录连看三场呢?

The Ugly Truth -- 十二点五十分开映,好笑之余也让我再三地思考戏里的种种男女看法与意见分歧,果然彼此都是用不同的半身来思考的吗?嗯… 如果有天情况突然颠倒过来那会变成怎样呢~

I’d feel so sorry if I did nothing but only to shut myself at home for such a long weekend, that’s why I was there at GSC Tropicana again on Sunday for movies; wondering when would I finally break the record and advanced over to three in a day

The Ugly Truth -– (12:50pm onwards) was funny, resulted me to think over again about all those different stands and point of views between the two genders, any protocol that lead us all to “think and act” via different half of our figures as it claimed to be? Beat me… what if one day the situation get totally switched~

The teaser poster

Version 2, featuring the main characters

Version 3

Version 4

G-Force --下午两点半开映,跟上一部电影的时间配合得刚刚好~ 是我长大了吗?感觉上这一套动画真的是很适合小孩儿,如此而已

G-Force -- (2:30pm onwards) great timing, the showtime was just after the previous one's~ Not sure if I'm really a grown up now, but somehow this movie was nothing but an animation meant for kids, in my point of view

One of the posters

Don't remember seeing this in Malaysia

Should be quite huggable for being hairy

吓到笑 -- 没看成,至今听过不少不错的评语,将之留给下一个周末吧

Where Got Ghost? -- Heard about all kind of positive feedbacks up to now, well guess I'll keep it for the following weekend

Where Got Ghost?