Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reunion with Esther ^^ 老朋友重聚

29 August 2009,零九年八月二十九日
12:pm - 9:00pm,正午十二时至晚间九时
Mid Valley & The Gardens
在此为您介绍一下当年我在马六甲多媒体大学的姐妹 Esther Chin,她是我唯一将之称为 “大姐” 的女生,来自芙蓉的坚强又值得信赖的她现下也一样地正在吉隆坡一带工作。自从零七年四月一日当晚那积聚盛名的 Trinite 三部曲 (我们大学里由学生所举办的官方晚会) 正式落幕后我们就再也没有再见面了,想当年的生活点滴真是令人怀念对吧?

Introducing Esther Chin, my long time buddy in MMU Melaka... the one I addressed her as "elder sister", the strong-at-heart and reliable girl from Seremban who currently working in KL as well. We never met up after the finale of the legendary Trinite trilogy (MMU official prom night organized by students :p) back at 1 April 2007, the MMU life was really so nostalgic ain't it?

I love this pre-launch bunting, but ruined by
the poor printing quality, © me
印刷素质真的是太差了 (设计版权为我所有)

The cover for the flyer, © me
传单的封面 (设计版权为我所有)

One of the four wallpapers, © me
四款电脑桌布之一 (设计版权为我所有)

Esther & I, in our evening gowns ^^ Trinite 2007
Trinite 2007 时身穿华丽晚礼服的我们 ^^

Gorgeous Esther
高贵的 Esther

My final work for MMU (after graduated), © me
毕业后留给大学的最后作品 (设计版权为我所有)

如题,我们约好在上个周六 (零九年八月二十九日) 到 Mid Valley 去来个老友相聚会。首先我们到底楼的 MPH 书局集合,再漫步到 The Gardens 的 Starbucks 去喝喝咖啡吃吃午餐聊聊天 (预定待到下午两点半为止),皆因 Mid Valley 真的是太多人太吵了,想要好好地细诉累计多年的人事物课题都很难呃

号外: 如常地点了Ice Caramel Latte,毕竟这应该是最不会伤身的咖啡饮料了吧 XD

As stated above, we decided to have a reunion last Saturday (29 August 2009) in Mid Valley. First of all we met up at MPH (Ground Floor) and went over to Starbucks of The Gardens for both lunch and chit-chat until 2:30pm, since Mid Valley is always crowded and would definitely harder for us to have our nice girls' talks after all these years :p

P/S: As usual, I got myself the Ice Caramel Latte again since it should be the coffee with the least harm for my health XD

Esther, still elegant as always
优雅如昔的 Esther

Ice Caramel Latte + Chicken & Mushroom Sandwich

Chicken & Mushroom Sandwich

Ice Caramel Latte

I looked so ugly as always =.=||
我还是一样的难看 =.=||

接着,回到 Mid Valley 后我们就马上依照当初跟她相约好了般地,到了那里的 Starbucks 附近的那间名为 Diva 的首饰店开始选购我俩的友情对链了,真的是很怀念这一种感觉耶 ^^ 该店也真的是很酷很应有尽有哦,下一回我一定还会回去哪儿涉猎一些超帅的饰物来奖励自己 XD

Next, we headed back to Mid Valley and directly moved over to the shop named Diva near the Starbucks of Mid Valley to buy the "Best Friends" pair necklaces as suggested to Esther days ago. The best part would be nothing else than the time we selected the necklaces together ^^ The shop was really cool, I should visit there again to see whether I'll get myself any nice hunt next time XD

Mine, with the red heart and black wording

该是时候去 GSC 拿我那预定好了的戏票了;看着那无论何时都一样的长长的人龙,果真是先在网上订票为好。我们所选的是下午四时十分的 I Love You, Beth Cooper ,感觉上好像我和 Esther 都越来越觉得自己比较倾向那些较为轻松的喜剧片,而不再那么地钟情于当年的恐怖或科幻片了。决定啦!下一部我要看 The Ugly Truth 咯 XD

号外: 入场前在 Colours Shoppe 为自己买了一件黑色碎花短裙,一扫多年来只穿单色裙子的习惯 :p

Time to claim our GSC movie tickets; it was surely a good move to reserve online beforehand since the long queue is almost 24/7 there at GSC. We chose the movie I Love You, Beth Cooper (4:10pm session) out of all, well somehow both of us also gradually found ourselves getting more and more fond of the light and enjoyable movies instead of those horror or scientific ones as time goes by. Next time I'm gonna catch The Ugly Truth too XD

P/S: Bought myself a skirt from Colours Shoppe before we entered the theater for the movie, my first flowery skirt after so many years of plain color ones :p

I Love You, Beth Cooper

当然,时间还是如常般地计算得刚刚好,在电影于大约傍晚六点许散场后我们就马上走向地下层的 Paddington House of Pancakes 去吃晚餐了。虽说先前已在众多友人哪儿无数次地听闻过它的大名,这可还是我第一次踏入该餐厅进餐呢

说真的,他们那过百种的超多选择真的让我感到超头疼的,根本就不知道该要如何下手才好 @.@ 不过后来的后来我还是决定要来一客 Tokyo (不骗你,该菜肴的名称确是如此) 加上薄荷茶,再来一个饭后甜点跟 Esther 一起慢慢品尝

其实 Tokyo 是一道以烤鸡胸、西红柿、火腿肉、平菇、和 mozzarella 无盐干酪为主,加上荷兰式卷薄饼再配以薯泥而组成的风味菜肴; Esther 的 Brussels 则是一片其上布满了熏肉、洋葱、 mozzarella 无盐干酪、煎蛋、茄汁豆、还有鳄梨沙拉酱的直径为十寸大小的荞麦制 galette 大拼盘;而甜点就是佐以草莓、坚果、 choco honeycomb butter 和冰淇淋的 Sweet American Pancake Stack

Perfect timing we got thereas usual, since the show ended around 6:00pm thus we made our moves to the Lower Ground for dinner at Paddington House of Pancakes. Again it's my first time to test the cuisines there although I'd already heard about it for times from all my pals

Well frankly speaking it was really hard for me to decide what to eat as they got over hundred of choices there @.@ But at last I decided to settle with Tokyo (not joking, it was the title for that particular dish) + Hot Peppermint + a dessert to be shared with Esther

Tokyo was the combination of grilled chicken breast, tomato, chicken ham, oyster mushroom, mozzarella with rolled pannekoek and mashed potatoes; while Esther's Brussels Set comprises of bacon, onions, mozzarella, sunny side-up, baked beans and guacamole on top of a 10" buckwheat galette; and last but not least, the dessert Sweet American Pancake Stack were topped with strawberry, nuts, choco honeycomb butter and ice cream

Paddington, with over hundred of choices
拥有过百种选择的 Paddington House of Pancakes

The candelabra

Esther, looking at the promotion leaflets
在研究着优惠配套传单的 Esther

Esther, take two

Our Hot Peppermint Tea

My Tokyo XD
我那被命名为东京的餐点 XD

Esther's Brussels
Esther 的主菜

We shared this Sweet American Pancake Stack as dessert

大致上我们在店里边吃喝边谈笑到将近晚间九点才终于舍得准备离开,毕竟 Esther 还需要乘搭 KTM 等回去她在 Setapak 一区的家的,太晚了就不太安全呃。真的很欣慰能和你有个如此难忘的聚会 ^^ 现在的我已经开始期待我们下一次的马六甲之旅了,到时候见咯~

Basically we continued our chit-chat and all there in Paddington until somewhere around 9:00pm before we finally decided to call it a day and get parted, as Esther needed to catch the KTM and all in order to get back to her rented room in Setapak area, better not too late since safety first. My sincere appreciation for such a wonderful outing ^^ Can't wait for our upcoming Melaka trip XD See you by then sis~


  1. NOOOO~~~~~~ That movie i havent watch~~~!!!

  2. wohahahahah I told Esther you sure got such respond 1 XD bingo wohahahaha!!!
