Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yamca with Ah Fun

25 August 2009,零九年八月二十五日
9:15pm - 11:30pm,晚间九点十五分至十一点半
Mage Café, Damansara Jaya

如题,趁着 Ah Fun (Joseph, 从零二年认识至今的多媒体大学校友) 因公而到 PJ 来逗留四天之际,跟好久不见的他去喝喝茶聊聊天

在他刚从我家将我接出来时,我根本就不懂该指示他到哪儿去,不过既然我们都随着 LDP 来到了 KDU 的附近,加上他本人也对以棋盘游戏为主题的店子蛮有兴趣的,我们就顺道地去了 Mage Café 小坐咯 XD

As mentioned, had my short yamca session with Ah Fun (Joseph, ex-MMUian, a friend since year 2002) when he was here in PJ area for his four days' company training

Well at first I absolutely got no idea where to for the chit-chat and all after he fetched me from my place, but since we were somewhere near KDU on the LDP, so we ended up at Mage Cafe instead, he was curious to know more about the board game cafe too anyway XD

Borrowed this pic from his Facebook XD
从他的 Facebook “借来” 的照片 XD

基本上我就只点了一杯冰柠檬茶,该君则为自己选择了一客水果派和饮料,果真是男生啊 :p 我们好像是天南地北都聊了一遍,管它是有关我们大学与马六甲的变化也好、关于日本动漫画也好、摄影器材、工作、等


Basically I only had a glass of Ice Lemon Tea or something while Ah Fun got himself a slice of pie and a drink, typical guy ain't he :p We talked about all kind of topics, about the changes in both MMU and Melaka itself, about anime, manga, camera, our jobs, etc...

P/S: Purposely didn't bring along my camera with me, luckily I just received some photos from him

The board with the shop title

How the shop looked like

His pie

Top view

很可惜啊,当年仍住在碧园(多媒体大学的校外宿舍)的我曾被人称为日本动画女王的;现下的我却只是一介简简单单的普通女生 :p 不知道当初的收藏品到底全都失踪到哪儿去了呢...

Too bad, I used to known as the Queen of anime when I was staying in Emerald Park (an off-campus hostel); and now I am totally nothing but just a normal daily girl :p Wondering where all my anime collections vanished to too...

LOL, proof 1 from Roselyn
呵呵,来自 Roselyn 的证词之一

Proof 2 of me being anime maniac :p from Nicole
这是 Nicole 所写的,我果然曾是动画女王~

我们在大约十点三刻就离开了 Mage 前往他以前在 Ara Damansara 工作时的公司“逛逛” XD 不错嘛,至少我现在也学会了另一条通道,话说起来要是我同事使用该路线也应该能够快些抵达她在 USJ 的家吧,起码会少些车子并不太有堵车的机会...

We then left Mage around 10:45pm and headed over to his previous office area in Ara Damansara area for a "tour" XD Hmm not bad, at least now I get to be aware of yet another route, supposedly it would be easier for my colleague to return to her house at USJ too, lesser cars and free from traffic jams I guess...

From NZX to the shops area

好了,是时候道别了,感觉上好像因赶工的关系而很早就开始瞌睡了 @.@ Ah Fun 也在隔天就需要老早起身准备前往另一轮的训练课程,就这样吧,保重啦朋友,下回儿见~

Well, time to say goodbye, was getting sleepy due to all the concentration at work @.@ As for Ah Fun, he still got to wake up early and participated in yet another training the day after too, take care and all the best man, see you again~


  1. All the pictures all orange. >.<"
    You some more choose my orange photos.... /swt ugly.

  2. the lighting at Mage memang orange orange mah...
