Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fullhouse, again ^^

6 August 2009,零九年八月六日
After work,放工后
Fullhouse Cafe@NZX,牛车水Fullhouse Cafe

反正我得到 Fullhouse Cafe 去确定一下自己在八月十四日(下个星期五)的座位预约,我就老实不客气/自然而然地在那儿用餐咯。这一次我可点了些从未尝试过的新东西,而不再是一贯的招牌黑胡椒葡萄干鸡排和冰柠檬茶了哟 ^^

Yeah~ I had my dinner at Fullhouse again since I was there to double confirm the status of my table reservation for 14 August (upcoming Friday). This time around I ordered something new and different, instead of the same old Wok-Sear Chicken Chop and Ice Lemon Tea ^^

The Honey Milk Shake, didn't expect it
to come with the black "pearls"

Honey Milk Shake, take two

This is the holder part of the cute spoon ^^
So cute so sparking so "yummy"~
这是茶匙握柄的特写,很可爱好晶莹 ^^


Of course I would not just sat there on my seat doing nothing while I was waiting for my Pan-Sear Dory Fish. Sure was lucky that there were not too many customers yet so at least I got the chance (and courage) to walk around and snapped some photos here and there.

The maids at the bar area

Maids again~

The "beads" hanging from the ceiling, near the bar

The cage near the bar

This is the shopping area (upper floor)

The bed at the corner, there's a note on the mattress
saying something like "Please do not sit here"

How cute if this is my room ^^
如果这是我的房间那该有多好 ^^

Another corner of the shopping area,
kind of look like dining table :p
这一区在我看来有点像餐桌哦 :p

They even selling shoes there

The candelabra and the flowers of ground floor

Take two, slightly zoomed more

Those items on the display racks are all for sell ^^
架子上的都均有出售呢 ^^

该是时候介绍一下这同样也是五颜六色的主菜 -- 泛烙多里鱼,千万别被它的第一眼印象给骗倒,一层一层叠起来的好像不会太多,可认真吃起来竟然花了我将近半个小时的时间呐。总的来说这道菜还蛮不错的,美中不足的是他们给的餐刀并不太适合拿来吃鱼或薯泥,所以有那么一点点的狼狈

And now, allow me to introduce you the colorful dish of the night -- Pan-Sear Dory Fish. Better not get deceived by the first impression, the way they stacked the fillets made the portion looked small but actually it took me almost 30 minutes to finish the whole dish too. Overall it was quite OK except that the knife was not meant for fillets nor mashed potato, so was a bit messy for me.

The Pan-Sear Dory Fish,
with Asian green, sauteed shiitake mushroom
& lemon green cream

Take two

Take three

Close up

嗯... 吃完晚餐付好帐之后我还是继续照了些相片,无法否认 Fullhouse 真的是一间充满惊喜的美美的 cafe 哦,但愿下周同事们到来一起为 Lau 叙别时也同样会喜欢这里咯

Continue to take some shots after I finished my dinner and paid the bill. Guess nobody could deny the fact that Fullhouse is, in deed, full of surprises and superb decorations. I hope my colleagues will like it too when they are here next Friday for Lau's farewell...

This is the area near the staircase,
took this shot from my seat

Seriously I love this cafe ^^
我真的真的很喜欢 Fullhouse 哦 ^^

I didn't know the typewriter was a fake one XD
呵呵我先前并不知道打字机是假的呃 XD

The sheep are actually the magazine holders :p

Cure dogs ^^

其实我可还刚刚从 Fullhouse 那儿为自己的白色系列用物增添了一个新的成员哦,这个以四颗 AA 电池来操作的附闹钟式收音机是我在楼下靠近收银台的曾列柜台发现的,只要轻轻转动旁边的手把就可以随心所欲地收听自己的心水广播了;万一你突然打算不想听电台节目了也很简单,仅需将发光的“腕臂”从圆盘上移开就行了,一旦 LED 的红光灭了声音也会马上消失,很可爱对不 ^^

Actually I just got myself another new "family" of my white color collection from Fullhouse too :p Found it on the display racks next to the cashier counter (ground floor ). Basically it is running on four AA batteries. You may tune to the desired radio channel by holding on and adjust the handler at the side. If you decide not to listen to the radio then simply remove the "arm" from the circular area and place it back to the holder, the sound will stop immediately once the red LED light get dimmed. Quite cute ain't it ^^

The cute white color radio-clock

The back view

The radio in action

对了,蛮多人都不停地询问我关于自己新买戒指的事,我是不介意在这里介绍秀秀一下啦,设计还真的不是一般的酷,蛮 man 的,中间的部分因为不是焊死的关系还可以自由转动呢,不过也正因如此最近我又多了一个闲来无事时玩玩戒指的小动作了 :p

Hmm... since some of you kept asking me about the new ring I bought, guess it won't harm to post and show it here now too ^^ The design, well, quite cool and manly I must say. The middle part can be turned (not fixed) so recently I got a new habit to play with my new ring whenever I feel bored or so :p

The ring I bought weeks ago from Tropicana City Mall
我数周前在 Tropicana City Mall 买的戒指

Closer look, so cool ^^
拉近一些来秀秀,酷吧 ^^

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