Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Arigatou ne Ely-chan ^^ 大~好き

最近好像蛮多人都喜欢玩圣诞老人的游戏哟,我的桌上又再次多了些额外物品呐,特别鸣谢亲爱的 Eliana 送给我一对如此可爱的耳环噢,完全是出乎意料耶 @.@ 清早八点左右当我还在后头跟 Swee Keng 和 Jen 闲聊时就已看到 Ely 正在走向我的座位去了,当时我还以为她只是在观赏我那托 Jen 买来的新的太阳能摆设而已,在此也要好好谢谢你啦 Jen o(n___n)o

本来呢我是打算买个同类的鲜红色的摆设来送给我母亲的,感觉上应该会很配她的红色 Kembara 的,可惜的是鲜红的好像是太过吃香比较难找了的缘故而老是缺货 x.x 不知道妈妈会喜欢橙色吗... 或许我应该将这个橙色的留下来,再另找其它类型的给她 ^^

Hmm... recently quite a number of people around me also get addicted to the "Santa Claus game", again I found something special on my desk... Special thanks to lovely Ely-chan for the cute earrings, never expected anything like this @.@ Saw her walked towards my cubicle around 8:00am this morning when I was talking with both Swee Keng and Jen at the back there, and I thought she was just looking at the new flip-flap I just bought with Jen’s help, thanks again Jen o(n___n)o

At first I though of getting a bright red color flip-flap for my mother too, for it would fit her red Kembara well, too bad the red one was kind of rare and selling fast thus out of stock always x.x Not sure if Mum is OK with the orange color version instead hmmm... Maybe I should keep the orange one and try to get something else for her ^^


Hazel color stones ^^
褐黄色的彩石 ^^

Thanks Ely XD
谢谢你咯 Ely XD

The flip-flap ^^ I place it on top of the CPU
我把它安置在主机之上 ^^

Purposely made the flip-flap "glows" haha
特意让它看起来 “发光发亮” 的

The red color Kembara
红色的 Kembara

好了,先到此为止吧,真的是很感动很感动呵呵,超爱你们的 v(^___^) 谢谢哦~

Weee that's all for now, totally touched, love you girls sooo much v(^___^) thanks~


  1. nice earing. wear it on coming sat outing ya. lolx

  2. LOL in office also wearing liao, changed earrings on the spot hahahaha

  3. thanks for the compliment.pandai i pilih kan?hahahah:p
