12 August 2009,零九年八月十二日
6:00pm - 8:30pm,傍晚六点至晚间八点半左右
Fullhouse Cafe, NZX (牛车水)

Participants/参与者: Lau, Celia, Ruenn,
Boon, Soon Yuan, Khaw, Suresh,
Kel, Dickson, Swee Keng, Jen,
Pei Yoong, & I (还有我自己) ^^
因为某些原因的关系,Lau (我的同事) 的 last day 已经被提前了,所以我们也就将那为她而设的位于牛车水 Fullhouse Cafe 的叙别会改为星期三 (零九年八月十二日) 当天了。同样地,这一次我们也是放工后就还蛮准时离开公司启程的。本来我还有那么一点担心,不懂大家能否顺利地闯到目的地去,幸好一切都毫无意外的哦 :)
Somehow there were changes with Lau's (my Powercomp colleague) last day, thus we celebrated her farewell as planned in Fullhouse Cafe of NZX on Wednesday (12 August 2009) instead. As usual we sort of left the office on time and drove there after work. At first I was kind of worried whether the rest could find the way to NZX, but luckily things turned out to be all fine :)
[相片来源 - Kel] 来不及挡住我的脸啦 x.x
[相片来源 - Kel] Lau 正好躲过了~
当我步入 Fullhouse 听见侍者告诉我们座位有些变动之时还蛮惊讶的,原来他们已经自作主张将地点转去靠近吧台那儿的阳台去了,人家本来就是和 Jen 打算好了要包下那个有大树的露台的... 不过也对啦,我们人数太多了,就算坐得进也应该会很挤吧 :p
Actually I was kind of shocked by the time I stepped into Fullhouse when the waitress told us that they made certain changes to our reservation, where they replaced with the balcony at the other end near the bar instead... But I guess they got the point too, surely going to be over crowded if I insisted to get the area that Jen and myself initially decided on, since there were way too many of us anyway :p
but kind of too small for all of us
Soon Yuan 在研究 Kel 的 500D
Pei Yoong 正走着过来我们所在的阳台区
[相片来源 - Kel] 大伙都坐好了
[相片来源 - Kel] 这是 Soon Yuan 照的对不? XD
你是在看着蘑菇汤的页面吗 Jen :p
clothes' page instead of foods' XD
Pei Yoong~ 为何不看食谱就先研究包包和服饰啊 XD
Kel 和 500D
这是趁着 Dickson 在注意 Kel 时照的
女主角 -- Lau
[相片来源 - Kel]
八月新来的 Ruenn 和 Celia
Fullhouse 其中一个非常显眼的就是身穿女仆装的侍者们了。回想起来当初老大终于都看到她们的相片时可不是一般的失望噢,只因对他来说女仆装一定是类式日本动画里的那几种调调的;拜托,人家是走比较西式路线的好不好?别老想着变装游戏啦,萝莉控啊你? XD 哈哈开玩笑啦~
One of the most significant trademarks for Fullhouse would be those waitresses dressed in maid uniforms. I could still recall how disappointed my old buddy Ryan was when he finally get to look at the girls' photos, because for him the terms "maid uniform" would definitely be something like those in Japanese Anime; for God's sake... Fullhouse decided to follow the Westerners' look and style instead OK? Don't always think about cosplaying and all, are you Lolita complex or something? XD hahaha mere joking~
女仆: “请问您想点些什么呢?”
女仆: “我将重复客人们的菜单咯”
再见啦~ 女仆姐姐~
点完菜之后大伙都很一致地将手头上一本本的食谱叠在 Suresh 的面前,该君也很合作地自愿担起了所谓的班长的责任,“班长在此,大家快点交功课呃~”,蛮入戏的嘛 :p 没记错的话刚才的那一位女仆小姐就自然而然地被众人编成了模拟老师了,不过她自己是什么都不知道的啦 :p
We stacked all the Fullhouse menus in front of Suresh after the food order confirmation, and that was how he came out with the "Call me the class monitor, everybody please pass up your homework now~ fast~" thingy :p If not mistaken they made the waitress the imaginary teacher too back then, but of course she knew nothing about it :p
反正距离上菜还有一段不短的时间,大家就慢慢地摆驾到购物区去闲逛了。众人有的正忙着拍照;有者则就选择在参观与欣赏店子里的摆设之余继续聊聊天了事。很可惜啊,我又在无意中错过了不少非常经典的镜头,那众男生当时可是拿着一堆店里摆卖的帽子、墨镜、刀叉等到处摆甫士大拍特拍呃 x.x
We still had time before the dinner finally get served, that's the reason for everybody to start wandering around the shopping corner. Some of them were busy with the photo shooting; while those who were not really into it decided just to continue their chit-chatting and sight-seeing session there. Too bad I missed most of the classical moments where the guys were posing here and there for all kind of shots using any of the accessories available for sell there, for instance the hats, sunglasses, folks, and etc
[相片来源 - Kel]
[相片来源 - Kel]
[相片来源 - Kel]
[相片来源 - Kel]
[相片来源 - Kel] 不要偷看~
[相片来源 - Kel] 牛仔 Boon? :p
[相片来源 - Kel] 大合照
[相片来源 - Kel] Pei Yoong, 你好有型呐~
Jen & Lau 在美美的床前合照
Lau, Boon, Soon Yuan & Kel
牛仔大汇演? 左起为Khaw, Dickson, Suresh,
Lau, Boon, Soon Yuan 和 Kel
[相片来源 - Kel] 再多一张
Lau, Celia, Ruenn & Jen
[相片来源 - Kel] 好事成双,再来~
好啦,该是时候吃晚餐了,这一回我点的主菜是煎黄油鱼,饮料嘛则是冰冰凉凉的薄荷配巧克力冰沙咯 :p 搭上浆果和干西红柿呢,感觉上还挺不赖的,可是沾了微甜酱料的薯泥吃下去好像有点怪怪的,建议大家还是不要单独将薯泥留到最后才吃比较好
啊... 兴许是太兴奋还是什么的,我竟然连一张自己的饮料的相片都没照到... 幸好还有他们菜单可以用来秀秀一下,版权为 Fullhouse 所有哦,毕竟我是从他们的官方网站转过来的 :)
Time to dine shall we? This time I ordered the Smooties-Fruities Fish as my main course, and Peppermint + Chocolate topped with Chocolate Syrup as the frosty drink of the night :p Topped with the passion berries fruits and sun-dried tomatoes, the pan-fried butter fish was quite OK, but felt quite weird to taste the mashed potato together with the quite sweetening sauce. Strongly advised to not save the mashed potato for last
Well... I was too excited or something which resulted me failed to take a single picture of my drink... but should be OK since you can get to look at the one displayed on the Fullhouse's menu as followed, copyright Fullhouse as I forwarded the images from their official web


Peppermint + Chocolate topped with Chocolate Syrup
吃饱了该做些什么呢?我们终于都开始吵吵闹闹了,先前在进餐时可真的是有够安静的。大家先从普通的闲聊开始,一直到美食涉猎题材、方向感问题、幽灵事件分享时段等等~ 还记得那班男生突发奇想地认为我们打从一开始就应该只点一壶花茶,然后十多个人一起分享它,再让侍者们不断地为我们一次又一次地添加热水等... XD
当然,相信任何一位都不会忽略了某人异常经典超级搞笑的 “我迷路了” 然后 “啊,我怎么会在你家附近呢” 接着 “既然如此,你就不如带我去走走逛逛” 以及压轴的 “顺便请我吃一顿吧~” 的笑话/方案吧 :p 至于 Kel... 我可是真的不想遇上任何类似你所提及的 “阿飘挡墙” 事件呃,阴历七月就快要来临的这个非常时段更是通通都跟我恶灵退散,我可老是一个人开车来去的,更甚的是若要说我是独居的也不算过分呐,谁叫我的室友总是不回家... x.x
话说回来,Ruenn - Celia - Lau - Swee Keng 的那一角相比之下好像是较为安静呢,我认为其实 Lau 比较应该坐在一群人的中段位置才比较容易融入和搞热气氛,而非远在尾端,这毕竟是为她而设的派对呀 :p 嗯... 事实上有些时候我真的是不太能听清楚你当时在说些什么呢 Lau,不过这或许是我自己个人的听力问题也不一定哦... o.o
So what's next after meals? We started to make noises, were way too quiet when we were munching our dinner. We had something like normal chit-chat, food-hunting topics, the sense of direction thingy, the ghost stories sharing, etc~ I recalled how the guys came up with the "flower tea sharing theory" where we should just order a pot of tea to share among all of us and get the maids to refill the hot water again and again and again and... XD
And of course, not to forget about the how to "lost your way" and "accidentally found yourself at somebody's area" and "get he or she to bring you around" and most importantly "to treat you a meal" joke :p As for Kel boss... I surely hope I will never face the "road-blocking" incident you mentioned, especially when the Chinese's hungry ghost month is almost there again, for I drive alone and consider staying alone too since my one and only housemate is rarely home... x.x
Speaking of which, Ruenn - Celia - Lau - Swee Keng's corner was relatively less talkative, and I sort of think Lau should really sat at somewhere in the middle of the whole group instead of the far end seat, it's her party after all :p Seriously sometimes I could not really hear you when you talk, Lau~ Or was it just me? o.o hmmm...
也还是 Lau ^^
Ruenn 和 Jen 的茉莉花茶
Soon Yuan 和 “白鸽”
我们一直在 Fullhouse 呆到晚间八点半左右才终于渐渐地离开。真的很希望 Lau 会有个难忘的回忆,记得一定要保持联络哦。我会非常想念当初哦们老是 “不小心” 调高公司里空调度数的那一些美好时光,更加忘不了的是每每经过你的位置时都会上前去轻轻晃一晃的你的长长的马尾 XD 暂时就到此为止了,希望你在新的环境依然天天开心,前途似锦,还有再多说一遍的 “很高兴认识你哦,马尾小姐” ^^
Well, we were there at Fullhouse until 8:30pm or so before everybody finally decided to call it a day. I really hope Lau had a memorable evening there, remember to keep in-touch ya? I will always miss the time where we "accidentally" adjusted the air-cond in the office, and how I played with your long ponytail whenever I walked passed your cubicle XD Last but not least, all the best, happy always, and nice knowing you again Ms. Ponytail ^^
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