Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Parents in Town

26 July 2009,零九年七月二十六日
12:00pm - 10:00pm+-,中午至晚间十点左右
NZX, Ara Damansara, Giant Kelana Jaya,
1 Utama, & my own room (加上我的窝)


短短的两个月却发生了那么大的变化,很多时候我都自作聪明地以为只要不说出来就绝对不会拖累任何人,因此不管是悲是愁我都选择不告诉父母,没想到他们竟然一开始就已经察觉了… 让你们为我担忧挂虑真的是对不起啊爸爸妈妈… 不过不要太担心啊,你看我还不是活得好好的,不管怎么样日子还是得过的是不? ^^

老规矩,七早八早起床来先将房子再彻底地打扫干净然后将一切都准备好待命,随时都可在接到电话后第一时间冲到对面牛车水停车场那儿去迎接和帮父母拿东西。嗯,没记错的话他们应该是正午就抵达了。我们接着就去了 Aman Suria 的“居銮面”吃午餐咯,基本上食物味道是不错的,父母也好像接受得了,唯一的问题是太大份了,下回儿还是跟妈妈合叫一碟好了

本来是打算带父母到也是位于 Aman Suria 的另一间店铺吃咖哩云吞面的,没想到这么早就全数卖完了,无所谓啦,下一次再碰碰运气咯。理所当然的驾车的当然是本小姐咯,爸爸在高速公路上驾驶了那么久一定是累坏了;再说家人当中又有谁会比我更了解和熟悉这一区呢,对不对?

After the two whole months, my parents were here in town again. Since I couldn’t really go all the way back to our home at Sungai Petani, Kedah, thus the only way to meet up would be the time when my dad’s going to have his meeting in KL again. Normally they’ll drop by and spend time together with me…

Things sure changed a lot within those two months, many at time I thought that as long as I kept everything just to myself I would not burden anyone else, whatever sad or bad news I chose to hide them from you both, without knowing you already realized since day one… sorry for making both of you worried so much about me back then, mum and dad… As you can see, I’m all OK now, back at one piece and standing still, life goes on anyway ^^

Hmm… I woke up early, cleaned the sweet house, got all the things ready and paid attention at calls so that I could get down to NZX area to meet up and move the stuffs with parents on time. If not mistaken they arrived at my place around 12 noon or so. We had our lunch at Kluang Noodle @ Aman Suria area after that. Well, basically the food was good and parents kind of like it, the only problem might be the big portion, perhaps next time I should share a plate with mum instead.

At first thought of taking them to the Curry Wantan Mee at Aman Suria but already sold out, well will keep that for next round of visiting. Of course I was the one driving since dad was tired too after the long distant on highway; plus, who else among the family members could be more familiar with these areas than I do?

Dad looking at the GPS, in Kluang Noodle
爸在“居銮面”店铺里研究 GPS

Dad & GPS, take 2

This is my mum

Time to eat

Mum & dad ordered the same thing, Pork Chop Noodle

Mine was the Chicken Chop Noodle

Mum drinking her tea

接下来我们一起去了最靠近我家的 Kelana Jaya 的 Giant 霸级市场选购一些必需品,怎么好像买的全都是给我用的而已啊@___@|| 在 Living Cabin 买了一个超可爱的小摆设哦!人家可是多年前就开始哈了它很久呢,呃,其实到底该怎么称呼它?太阳能摆设?别急,看看照片不就一清二楚了吗?同时我还买了一把纸伞呃,可惜的是那种大一些合适一些的全都卖完了,我的这一种好像有点短小哦,不过至少有道具能带去参加明年的盆踊り了 ^^

号外:对了老弟,你的老姐可是只靠着 GPS 自己去了 Giant 一趟就完全不需要它,单凭自己的记忆力闯天下了,酷吗?你要试试看吗?奸笑奸笑奸笑奸笑

反正时间还早,我们就先行回去我 D’Aman Crimson 的家整理一番同时休息休息,晚些才跟表兄姐她们会面。本来我是需要在五点半左右去 Kelana Jaya 的 LRT 站接秀娟表姐再到 SS2 那里去跟获文表哥与他的未婚妻诗韵一起吃晚餐的;不过后来既然获文必须回去他工作的 Media Prima (很靠近 1 Utama 的比较旧的那一栋建筑物)那里解决一些事情,我们就决定将地点改至 1 Utama 咯。秀娟甚至还说我们不需要去接她了,皆因她应该会工作到六点钟,更何况她的办公室是在 KLCC 里呢,应该会稍微迟到些

Next, brought them to Giant Kelana Jaya for some shopping, ehrmm but guess everything we bought were actually for me @___@|| Found something really cute from Living Cabin! Been searching for it since long time ago but not too sure what it calls haha, a solar detect errr deco? Well whatever, because once you look at the photo you would surely know what I was trying to explain. Bought a paper umbrella too, too bad the bigger and more suitable ones all sold out so I need to stick with this smaller shorter version… well at least I got something to bring along for the next Bon Odori ^^

P/S: By the way bro, guess what, I’d only been to Giant myself with GPS once and now I can totally depend on my memory, cool ain’t I XD Why don’t you try to be like me? HAHAHAHAHAHA

We went back to D’Aman Crimson to rearrange the things and get some rest before meeting up with cousins. At first I was supposed to pick Siew Khen up at Kelana Jaya LRT station around 5:30pm and to dine with Hock Moon and his fiancée at SS2 area; but then we changed it to 1 Utama instead as Hock Moon had to get back to the Media Prima building (located just somewhere next to old wing of 1 Utama) and settle something. Siew Khen even said I need not to pick her up anymore because she had to work until 6pm and will be slightly late for her office is located in KLCC.

Mum and myself did the easy tasks

Mum, take 2

Dad helping me to fix the window curtain

Almost done ^^
快要完成了 ^^

This was what I bought from Living Cabin
这是我在 Living Cabin 买的

Cute? ^^
很可爱吧 ^^

Dad testing the Celcom wifi
爸在测试 Celcom wifi

说真的,我必须要跟获文道歉呃… 我不小心误解了短讯的意思,以为聚餐已延迟至晚间七点才开始@___@||当获文致电来说他已在 Media Prima 那里准备过去 1 Utama 时我和爸妈才刚在牛车水准备开车,更因为路上 Bandar Utama 那一区堵车和耗时找泊车位的缘故导致我们六点四十分左右才赶到约好了的集合地点哪… 让获文和诗韵早在六点一刻就开始等我们了,真的不好意思,十分惭愧…

获文在带我们到位于一楼的“记得食”(热带雨林那一区)后就联络秀娟告诉她我们的动向了,不过看起来她应该是会有些小麻烦吧,毕竟这一间店铺并不是十分明显,更何况获文忘了提起热带雨林这么一个重要的路标呢 :p 所以当秀娟的丈夫耀忠(也就是我的表姐夫)突然现身并惊觉自己的妻子并非和我们在一起而是不知闯到哪儿去时我们真的不知该惊讶还是大笑的好;不过无所谓啦,反正她随着就也找上门来了XD

嗯… 妈决定要多叫几样菜肴大家一起平分,其实我们点了不少菜哦,所有的小菜都是双份的,皆因这么一来我们七人才能真正的品尝到每一种食品啊,可惜我的照相机的记忆存量又是不太足够没办法多拍几张来秀秀当晚我们点的佳肴。不过感觉上秀娟表姐应该不会介意我去她的 Facebook 那儿“借”一些照片来应急吧 ^^

Seriously I should apologize to Hock Moon for making him and Soo Ei (his fiancée) waiting there at 1 Utama as early as 6:15pm… I got the message wrong so I thought the whole thing got postponed to 7pm instead @___@|| Parents and myself were only about to depart from NZX car park when Hock Moon called saying he’s already there at Media Prima, and we could only arrived at the 1U stage area around 6:40pm due to slight traffic jam at Bandar Utama and the hardship in finding parking slot, really so sorry for the long wait...

Hock Moon took us to The Frutti Stall Restaurant (at 1st floor near the rain forest area) and contacted Siew Khen for our where about once we settled down, but guess she ended up having a hard time locating the restaurant as it was not really too visible, and Hock Moon forgot to mention about the rain forest :p We were kind of shocked and felt amused when Yew Choong (Siew Khen’s husband) suddenly showed up assuming Siew Khen was already there with us, but only found out his wife was still wondering somewhere out there; but well she arrived shortly after her husband, so let’s put this aside shall we ^^

Hmm… Mum decided to order dishes to pass around and share among us. We ordered quite a lot of delicacies, basically every single a-la-carte also doubled so that all of us would get to taste them nicely, too bad I didn’t really take much of the food photos as my camera was running out of memory again. Guess Siew Khen won’t really mind if I “borrow” some of the photos she took and posted on her Facebook ^^

Hock Moon, my cousin

Soo Ei, Hock Moon's fiancée

Dad & his video camcorder

He was shooting us all the while

Hock Moon & his fiancée Soo Ei

Siew Khen (cousin) & her husband Yew Choong

Soo Ei

Hock Moon... your double chin...
获文先生... 看看你自己的双下巴

Siew Khen showing us her dark circles

Basically we kept talking and laughing

Ready for photos?

Snap the snapper

基本上我们一整晚都是在说个不停,甚至还决定要到牛车水去来个第二轮的喝茶时段呢 XD 其实这是一个对的选择哦,当时的“记得食”已经越来越多人了,我们怎么说都不可能在吃完了那么久之后还来在那儿不走吧;看起来他们都不太懂得该怎么过去牛车水,因此我们就在各自拿了车子之后开到 Bandar Utama 区的 Centra Point 集合,再由我带路

大致上我们在牛车水那儿走了一圈,拍了些照,大聊特聊了一阵子才到那里的 Station 1 喝些饮料充电一下。我点的蜂蜜热牛奶真的很不错^^ 别问我为什么点它啦,就算我已不是小孩了我还是喜欢它啊XD 因为爸爸真的累了加上父母都须在隔天(星期一)很早起身跟着准备上班的我一起出门前往吉隆坡的缘故,我们就此散场了。这也代表了第一部曲的终了^^

We had our chit-chat along the night, and even agreed to get to NZX to have a second round of drinks there XD Quite reasonable and well thought as the restaurant itself was getting crowded and we shouldn’t stay there for too long after we finished every single food; thus we get our cars and gathered at Centra Point, Bandar Utama, before I guided them back to NZX area as they’d never been there before this and were unsure of the exact location and all.

Well, we had a walk, some photo shooting, lots of chit-chat and then ended up at Station 1 NZX for a drink. The Hot Honey Milk I ordered was not bad ^^ Errr don’t ask me why I ordered it, I just like it although I’m no longer a kid XD Since dad was tired and parents got to wake up early again on Monday morning and head over to KL city right after I off to work, we decided to call it a day. Guess that’s the end for part 1 ^^

Siew Khen & Yew Choong posing with Goofy
表姐和表姐夫在跟 Goofy 合照

The stage and the Micky & Minnie
舞台正中的 Micky 与 Minnie

My parents, with the Micky & Minnie
父母跟 Micky 与 Minnie

Parents, take 2

Siew Khen & her hubby

The 3 of us

Candid shot of Hock Moon & Soo Ei couple, in front of Fullhouse
随机拍下的 Fullhouse 前的获文和诗韵俩

Dad & Donald, take 1
爸爸和 Donald

Dad was trying to imitate Donald
爸当时在设法模仿 Donald

Dad & Donald again, take 3

Dad always walk around with his video camera

Yew Choong & Donald
表姐夫也来跟 Donald 合照

Now even Siew Khen also participated :p
连秀娟都来了 :p

Mum, we were already at Station 1 Cafe
妈妈的独照,当时我们已在 Station 1 Cafe 里了

Siew Khen & Yew Choong

OMG Look at Hock Moon's double chin!!! XD
你看你看!双下巴! XD

27 July 2009,零九年七月二十七日
From my place to KL

就像先前所说的,父母也必须随着我出门上班之际一起离开我的窝了。他们在 Kelana Jaya - SS25 区吃完早餐以后就开始启程到吉隆坡市区去办理旅店入住手续等等。秀娟表姐甚至还在 KLCC 与他们会和一起去吃午餐,晚上还并着耀忠表姐夫陪父母去大人餐厅吃晚餐,到 Pavilion 走走等。其实这一切都是我真正应该做的,但我却呆在公司里忙这忙那... 我还真够不孝的... 谢谢你咯表姐,不知该怎么报答才好...

As mentioned, parents had to leave my place with me once I was off to work. They had their breakfast somewhere in Kelana Jaya - SS25 area and headed over to KL for hotel check-in and all. Siew Khen met up with them again in KLCC and brought them for lunch and all. She and her husband even accompanied them for dinner at Esquire Kitchen, a walk at Pavilion and etc. Actually I should be the one to do all those but was not able to take leave due to the due dates and work loads on hand... Feel so bad now... Thanks a lot cousin sister, owe you a big one.

Parents at Madam Kwan's, KLCC
父母在 KLCC 的 Madam Kwan 吃午餐

Outside of KLCC
在 KLCC 外合照留念

Parents & KLCC

Dinner at Esquire Kitchen, with Siew Khen & Yew Choong

Eating the "Gui Ling Gao"

Dad surely enjoyed it ^^

Wondering if mum was telling dad to eat slowly :p
妈会不会是在叫爸吃慢点呢 :p

Mum & Siew Khen, outside of Pavilion?
妈和表姐,应该是在 Pavilion 外面吧

Mum & Yew Choong

28 July 2009,零九年七月二十八日
From KL back to Sungai Petani, Kedah

在爸爸午间从 Wisma Jerneh 那里开完会不久父母就从旅店退房准备开车回家了。不知怎么的,我好像有点庆幸当天自己在看到父母时并没哭出来呢,他们还真的生了一个很麻烦很糟糕的女儿啊。不管怎么样请记得要好好地照顾自己,我应该十月会请假回来了,到时见!

Dad had a meeting in Wisma Jerneh until somewhere around noon. Parents were then checked out from hotel and headed back to Kedah again. Somehow... I was kind of relieved that I didn't cry or so when I saw them :p What a troublesome daughter they got :p Well, please take good care of yourselves, I'll mostly be back to Kedah in October, see you both again then ^^