Sunday, July 12, 2009

我的 Sunday

12 July 2009,七月十二日
Around 11.30am,上午十一点半左右
In my own room,我的小窝里

My apartment is the D'aman Crimson just opposite of NZX
我就是住在牛车水对面的 D'aman Crimson 咯

本来还以为可以用我那封尘已久的 laptop 来尝试传送相机里的照片的,无奈它还是不合作,老是在从新开机后不久又再体温高飙而 auto shutdown ,怎么抄啊... 郁闷,只好乖乖地再忍耐一会儿吧,反正老大再多几个小时就会回到 Mont' Kiara... 话说,我好像需要提钱哦,不然拿什么来还给老大?从今以后还是一次过多提一点吧,不然只是缴交房租添满汽油还还杂费之后又要再去提款机,太麻烦了。无妨,预先写写稿吧,反正书店也还没开,我依然还是需要留在家里多一会

也许在读着我的废话的你会认为这个女孩很爱花钱,老是去这里到那儿吃吃逛逛的,很不懂得节省,当然你可以有自己的想法,我也不会抄家伙逼你认同;我,只是单纯地想在一个人的周末里有节制地宠下自己爱自己... 人生短短数十年,如果真的是要把一切都省下来留下来给所谓的特别日子,做什么都绑手绊脚的,难道你真的是认为事情真的是一定会如你所愿地顺利发展吗?


At first I though of getting my old HP Pavilion laptop to copy and transfer the photos taken over to my desktop, too bad it didn't work still, auto shutdown again after a few minutes for sure cause of overheating problem no matter how many times I tried. All I could was to wait patiently since Ryan would be back to Mont' Kiara in just few hours time. Speaking of which, I need to withdraw from ATM again before I can pay him money for the gadgets. Might be better if I withdraw more from now on instead of going back and forth for all the rental/car petrol/misc fees and so on. Never mind, I could just stay back at home and prepare the blog content for a bit since the book shop's yet to open too.

Maybe some of you might feel that I'm a girl who know nothing about money saving and financial planning due to the fact that I'd been running here and there recently for all the outing and so. Of course you are free to have your own point of view, and I am in no place to forcefully make you to think the same as I do too... Actually what I have in mind is just to fully utilize the one-person-weekends I have to slightly pamper and love myself more... How long do we live? What if things do not really go as planned or desired if one only keep thinking about things like "save the best for the special days", "keep it for last", and so forth, that he or she ended up bounded with endless limitations and infinite restrictions?

You can no longer turn back time once you lose something precious, nothing is eternal either; I would rather to have myself to appreciate more and live the limited life time to the fullest, it is OK if things don't last long, at least, I leave no regrets.

12 July 2009,七月十二日
Around 3.00pm,下午三点左右
Just got back from Tropicana & Taman Megah/SS24,
刚从 Tropicana & Taman Megah/SS24 回来

一点半左右当我才刚刚从 Taman Megah/SS24 的皇冠租书店走下来就接到了 Ryan 老大的来电,他说大概两点就会到 Tropicana City Mall 和我会合,幸好我还踏入 Secret Recipe 叻,本来还打算在哪儿吃块蛋糕看看书再慢慢地开车过去的,还没吃午餐哦... 好啦,大不了回来时才打包回家。今天应该还不赖吧,不但看到了很久很久不见了发福了的老大,更重要的是 card reader 终于到手啦,真的是太麻烦你了,大恩大德永世难忘!*马上飞车去买蛋糕再狂飚回家*

到家第一件事当然就是赶紧试验下我的新硬件咯 *我抄我抄抄*。嗯... 全都传送到电脑里去后才发现原来只有那么一点点,反正也不会差别太多,顺便拍拍几长照片再处理一会儿灯光效果,秀秀一下我的窝吧。

Ryan was already sort of on the way to Tropicana City Mall by the time he called me around 1:30pm when I just stepped back down from HQ Bookstore of Taman Megah/SS24. Luckily I was yet to get myself to the Secret Recipe down the road as I initially thought of having some cakes (my lunch-to-be back then) there and read the books I borrowed for a bit while waiting for his call; but well no big deal, I could still get back here and pack the cakes on the way back from the mall. It ought be a special day, I got to reunite with the long lost and chubbier old buddy of mine *laugh* and not forgetting the card reader that I longed for!!! Thanks for everything bro!!! *speed up bought the cakes and headed back to my apartment right away*

First thing first, turned on the computer - ejected the camera memory stick - plugged in the USB multicard reader and tested things out! *copy, and copy, and copy...* Well... since I didn't have much from yesterday, guess it should be no harm too for me to take some photos of my room and post them here, together.

All the misc foods here

My big 3-panel wardrobe

The big queen-size

This is where I write my blog XD

What can you see from the screen? :p

The new online game purchased few weeks ago,
so far I only played for 4 hours

The place I typed everything~

My headphone, not the first time I thought of buying speakers
我的耳机,其实已不只一次考虑要买 speakers 了

The view from my window, those are part of NZX shops

Photos taken yesterday in Fullhouse
这些是昨天在 Fullhouse 照的

The extremely cute and Korean feel menu

The shopping corner (2F), taken from my seat

The scenery outside the window, together with the black color stage

The creamy Forest Mushroom Soup

Ice Lemon Tea

The soup, the drink, and the candle holder/lamp

The infamous Wok-Sear Chicken Chop
(with black pepper sauce & dried raisin)

Chicken chop + dried raisin + mashed potato + carrot
+ baby bok choy, very colorful right~

The pineapple flavored cake

The waitresses wearing maid uniforms~

Another maid uniform~ front view

Owwwww she noticed me!

哈哈,能见得了人的就只有这么几张而已,不好意思走来走去拍啦... 也许以后有机会我才再拍多些传上来咯,看书去了,下回见!

Well... guess that's all for those presentable, was too shy to walk around with my camera then point and shoot... Maybe I still have the chance to post more for the next visit, right? Time to get back to books, see you all!


  1. I wan complain, the maid uniform not same as what i thought it would be, luckily i wasn't any excited at all when i heard you said that.

  2. cheh, maid got many many form, this is like Ayumi Hamasaki's Dearest MV punya those kind
