其实原则上我本应该一聚餐完之后就尽快写好稿子 post 上来的,可是你们也知道啦,上了一整天班也蛮累的,懒散一点是难免的啦,更何况我电脑的 card reader 出了些小状况无法好好地传送照片,脑子也不知怎么搞的老是不懂该怎么下手... 理由够多了对吧,所以总的来说迁就迁就吧
日期:七月八日,时间:傍晚六点左右,地点:我新家对面牛车水的Daorae 韩式餐厅。本来 Jen 也会参与这一次的聚餐的,无奈她有些头疼不太舒服,唯有剩下我们这六位咯(Jessie,Ivy,Eunice,Carmen,Jesslyn,再加上一个我)。别担心啦 Jen ,来日方长,机会多的是
如果没记错的话我们还蛮准时刷卡离开公司的,接着就马上兵分两路开车前往目的地了(Jesslyn 和 Eunice 共乘,Ivy 和 Jessie 则交由我负责)。因为工作的关系,Carmen稍后才能抵达加入,所以我们五位就先行出马慎选位置了。本来呢我和 Jesslyn 是比较偏向类似日式的那种凹炕座位;不过既然 Ivy 那么强烈地反对并坚持要选择有靠背的普通软座,我们就唯有乖乖地听这位大姐的话咯
我们一致通过将点菜这个重任交给了Jesslyn ,毕竟在众人当中最熟悉韩式料理的应该就是该小姐了。大家应该都是蛮饿的吧,当那一碟碟的小菜一上桌之后我们就不断地吃吃吃,甚至还让侍者 refill 呢;不过到了最后也蛮后悔的,应该是小菜吃得太多太涨了,真正的主菜和烧烤反而吃得异常的辛苦,太可惜了
在忙着吃小菜的当儿呢各类美食佳肴也不断地被侍者一一呈现在我们眼前,不过放心,我们还是将烤肉拖延至Carmen 到达了之后才开始现烤现吃,够义气吧对不?话说她还真的是个超级大忙人叻,整晚商务电话不间断,应该是连吃东西都无法好好专心吧。祝你在新的环境有个锦绣前程咯,但千万别给自己太大压力知道吗?
没记错的话我们应该是说说吃吃笑笑闹闹至将近晚间九点才终于打算离开吧,谢啦各位。说起来我们还真的去过不少地方大吃大喝叻,印象中我有份参与的就有 Aman Suria Old Town,Aman Suria 肉骨茶,Dataran Prima Baywatch Bistro,和 1 Utama Pasta Zanmai 等等吧,不知道下一回又会有些什么惊喜呢?刚才午休时 Jesslyn 好像有提到下个月要去 Starbucks 噢!
应该是差不多了啦,有什么没提到的就交给相片吧,不过先声说明,我不是什么专业的摄影师更没有 DSLR ,请多多包涵哦 (相片将会在下一篇帖子传上)
Actually I should finished up the content last night but was way too lazy, and I just realized that my desktop’s card reader already spoilt so I couldn’t copy all the photos from my camera too, plus somehow I didn’t know what to write yet too *keep looking around finding excuses*
Hmm… six of us (Jessie, Ivy, Eunice, Carmen, Jesslyn, and I) had our gathering dinner at Daorae Korean Restaurant of NZX Boulevard back then, actually Jen should be there too but since she was not feeling well so she got no choice but to skip it. Worry not girl, we can have dinner together again some other day too :p
We left the office quite on time and car pooled to NZX right after work (Jesslyn with Eunice, while Ivy & Jessie follow mine). Carmen would be slightly late because she got stuffs to do, so five of us proceed to the restaurant and settled down without her. At first thought of sitting at another area but since Ivy insisted to take the soft seats instead so oh well, must respect the “big sister” and follow her orders, no?
We left most of the food ordering to Jesslyn because she's more familiar with Korean foods. Bet everyone were quite hungry already because we kept eating the side dishes and asked for refills. A bit regret actually because we were all ended up way too full that we found it hard to enjoy the main courses already.
The waiters kept serving foods and drinks but we requested to put the BBQ on hold to wait for Carmen. She's now a super busy business lady already, nonstop phone call answering and all, bet she didn't even get to eat properly :p May you have a bright future and be successful at new place girl, but try not to overstress yourself OK?
If not mistaken we were there until 8.45pm or so. Thanks girls for the outing, hmm so far we been to Old Town, Baywatch, Pasta Zanmai and so on, I can only recall those few since I was missing in action for quite some time too, so what’s next? What else we still yet to try? Hey Jesslyn just mentioned during lunch hour that we might be going to Starbucks next month you know? ;)
Guess that’s all for now, going to leave all the talking to photos instead. Sorry for the colors and qualities because I am not a pro owning a super cool DSLR. (Photos to be uploaded soon via the next post)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
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