Saturday, October 3, 2009

Home 家,我回来了

*设定于清早七点发布* 终于是时候启程回家了,打从那短短的农历新年公休日之后就再也没有回过去了,早已八个多月了吧... 说真的,我很想家、很想我的家人、想念妈妈的手艺、更少不了我那些可爱的猫弟猫妹们 @___@||


趁着这一个特别的日子,要记得珍惜你现下所拥有的一切,告诉你所爱的人儿们你有多么的在乎着他们,他们又到底占了些怎么举足轻重的地位。当发现原来自己并非只是孤孤单单一个人跌跌撞撞地,而是被很多很多懂你的人关心着时,那一种感觉与撼动可真的是千金都难买的... 祝,中秋节快乐 ^^

*Scheduled to be published at 7:00am* Almost time for my departure, at last I am coming back to Kedah again after... eight whole months I guess, I had never been there again after our Chinese New Year's short breaks. Seriously I missed my home, my families, my mum's cooking, and my cats @___@||

I would surely hug them tight and caress them once I get back home, surely feel the lost of our deceased and lost ones, many at times it is better to do it while you still have the chance; or it might be already too late and you get nothing in return but regrets

Make sure you appreciate those dearest to you and tell them how much you care and how deep your love is on this special day. It feels so great to learn you are not alone, but always showered by lots of cares and understanding. Happy Mooncake Festival ^^


  1. thanks KH XD weeee I get to celeb with my families & my miao~~~ ^^

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