Monday, October 5, 2009

Subway Craziness

2 October 2009,零九年十月二日
6:00pm - 7:20pm,傍晚六点至七点二十分
Subway, Tropicana City Mall

Participants/参与者: Meng Ling, Eliana & I (还有我自己) ^^

放工后趁着 Eliana 和我赶去 Mage 上我们循例的日文课前,咱们一起到Tropicana City Mall 的Subway 去为Meng Ling 办了一个小型又快捷的庆生宴。其实光是细选地点都让我们伤了不少脑筋的,谁叫我和寿星俩竟然都那么巧合地还未从彼此可悲的食物中毒事件中完全恢复过来呢 =.=

不管怎么样,生日快乐咯美女,记得要开开心心的,同时请千万千万不要忘了十一月里的重大日子呃,你知道我在说些什么的啦~ 别装了~ 不要让我失望知道吗? XD

We were there at Subway of Tropicana City Mall after work for Meng Ling’s quick birthday celebration before Eliana and I headed over to Mage for our weekly Japanese class. Had quite a hard time deciding where to since both the birthday girl and I were yet to fully recovered from our food poisoning incidents, what a sad and pathetic coincidence indeed =.=

Anyway, happy birthday again sweetie, don’t worry but be happy, and please kindly remind yourself about the upmost important event for this coming November, well you know what I meant~ Stop pretending as if you know nothing at all~ Try not to let me down OK? XD

Eliana’s Sub of the Day
Eliana 的三文治

Open sesame~

Birthday girl’s first trip to Subway
寿星的首次 Subway 之旅

Eliana, the Subway veteran~
Eliana 可是老常客了

Busy eating

Eliana took this
这是 Eliana 拍的

Meng Ling & naughty Eliana
Meng Ling 和淘气的 Eliana

Were you starring at me back then? XD
啊,你当时是在注视着我吗? XD

Naughty Eliana
淘气女 Eliana

Finished eating

Acting cute? XD
你这是在扮可爱呵? XD

No photos allowed~

The “director” instructed us to take the “heart” photo


Showing off our hand watches~

Ouch~ Why’d you hit me~~~
哎~ 你干嘛撞我的头啦~~~

Ehrm… better not misunderstand my palm for
a male’s just because of the ring
嗯… 别光看戒指的款式就认定我的是男性的手呃

Meng Ling: “I do~~~” XD
Meng Ling: “我愿意~~~” XD

Leaving the mall

Eliana: “Bye bye~”
Eliana: “再见~”

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