Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yamca with Ah Fun

25 August 2009,零九年八月二十五日
9:15pm - 11:30pm,晚间九点十五分至十一点半
Mage Café, Damansara Jaya

如题,趁着 Ah Fun (Joseph, 从零二年认识至今的多媒体大学校友) 因公而到 PJ 来逗留四天之际,跟好久不见的他去喝喝茶聊聊天

在他刚从我家将我接出来时,我根本就不懂该指示他到哪儿去,不过既然我们都随着 LDP 来到了 KDU 的附近,加上他本人也对以棋盘游戏为主题的店子蛮有兴趣的,我们就顺道地去了 Mage Café 小坐咯 XD

As mentioned, had my short yamca session with Ah Fun (Joseph, ex-MMUian, a friend since year 2002) when he was here in PJ area for his four days' company training

Well at first I absolutely got no idea where to for the chit-chat and all after he fetched me from my place, but since we were somewhere near KDU on the LDP, so we ended up at Mage Cafe instead, he was curious to know more about the board game cafe too anyway XD

Borrowed this pic from his Facebook XD
从他的 Facebook “借来” 的照片 XD

基本上我就只点了一杯冰柠檬茶,该君则为自己选择了一客水果派和饮料,果真是男生啊 :p 我们好像是天南地北都聊了一遍,管它是有关我们大学与马六甲的变化也好、关于日本动漫画也好、摄影器材、工作、等


Basically I only had a glass of Ice Lemon Tea or something while Ah Fun got himself a slice of pie and a drink, typical guy ain't he :p We talked about all kind of topics, about the changes in both MMU and Melaka itself, about anime, manga, camera, our jobs, etc...

P/S: Purposely didn't bring along my camera with me, luckily I just received some photos from him

The board with the shop title

How the shop looked like

His pie

Top view

很可惜啊,当年仍住在碧园(多媒体大学的校外宿舍)的我曾被人称为日本动画女王的;现下的我却只是一介简简单单的普通女生 :p 不知道当初的收藏品到底全都失踪到哪儿去了呢...

Too bad, I used to known as the Queen of anime when I was staying in Emerald Park (an off-campus hostel); and now I am totally nothing but just a normal daily girl :p Wondering where all my anime collections vanished to too...

LOL, proof 1 from Roselyn
呵呵,来自 Roselyn 的证词之一

Proof 2 of me being anime maniac :p from Nicole
这是 Nicole 所写的,我果然曾是动画女王~

我们在大约十点三刻就离开了 Mage 前往他以前在 Ara Damansara 工作时的公司“逛逛” XD 不错嘛,至少我现在也学会了另一条通道,话说起来要是我同事使用该路线也应该能够快些抵达她在 USJ 的家吧,起码会少些车子并不太有堵车的机会...

We then left Mage around 10:45pm and headed over to his previous office area in Ara Damansara area for a "tour" XD Hmm not bad, at least now I get to be aware of yet another route, supposedly it would be easier for my colleague to return to her house at USJ too, lesser cars and free from traffic jams I guess...

From NZX to the shops area

好了,是时候道别了,感觉上好像因赶工的关系而很早就开始瞌睡了 @.@ Ah Fun 也在隔天就需要老早起身准备前往另一轮的训练课程,就这样吧,保重啦朋友,下回儿见~

Well, time to say goodbye, was getting sleepy due to all the concentration at work @.@ As for Ah Fun, he still got to wake up early and participated in yet another training the day after too, take care and all the best man, see you again~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yet Another Outing~

22 August 2009,零九年八月二十二日
12:30pm - 7:00pm,中午十二时半至傍晚七点
Mid Valley & The Garden

先声说明... 希望 Han Yeuan (Chak Kor) 看完这一篇之后不会再说 “哦,去见 KH 也没通知我一声啊~” 了哟 XD

如题,我再次到 Mid Valley 去跟 Kim Hang 与他的古晋老朋友 Lih Shan 会面;其实呢本来 Ronnie (当年来自马六甲 MMU 工程系的朋友)和 Anne (Kim Hang 和 Ronnie 的友人) 也会加入我们仨一起逛街的,后来却因种种原因无法赴约,就只剩下我们三个咯

我们中午一点左右才终于在 Mid Valley 的 Starbucks 会合,期间我发现了一间很不错的 Diva 首饰店呃,看起来像是有着超多不同风格的单品与组件系列的,下个周末当我和 Esther 来这里逛街时应该可以考虑买下一对友情项链或戒指之类的来纪念一下 ^^

First of all... please don't comment something like "Oh, went to meet KH also didn't call me" again OK Han Yeuan (Chak Kor)? XD

So as stated above, I was there at Mid Valley to meet up with Kim Hang and his hometown friend Lih Shan. Well actually initially Ronnie (a friend from FET, MMU) and Anne (Kim Hang & Ronnie's friend) should be there too but they couldn't make it, thus ended up with only the three of us

We met up at Starbucks Mid Valley around 1:00pm, well noticed a really nice shop around there named Diva, which consisted of lots of nice ornaments and all, perhaps I should be there with Esther and get ourselves a pair of necklaces or rings or something during our reunion visit ^^

The logo, woahhhh totally magenta XD
非常非常桃红的标志 XD

若要说我们一聚集在一起了就马上赶过去 GSC 察看映画时间表那也不过分, GSC 还是跟往常一样地那么的人山人海, Lih Shan 就建议选看下午四点一刻那一场的 Orphan 这一部惊怵电影,我们反正也没什么其他的意见,不妨就试试看看吧。 Kim Hang 超有风度地自荐说要留下来买戏票,而把我们两个女生 “赶到” 美食广场去先行吃午餐了 XD

号外: 可惜没拍到我的甘蔗水和泰式炒饭... 郁闷...

Basically we headed right after to GSC to check on the showtime, long queue as always, Lih Shan suggested watching the movie Orphan (for 4:15pm session) and we were OK with that too. Kim Hang volunteered to stay back for the tickets while we girls went ahead to the food court for lunch instead XD

P/S: Had Ice Sugar Cane and Thai Style Fried Rice there, too bad I didn't snap any

Lih Shan

Kim Hang, a.k.a. Pek Chek Kia :p
Kim Hang, 也就是非常有名的 Pek Chek Kia :p

Installing Adobe software into his laptop
当时他正忙着为笔记本灌录 Adobe 软件

接着我们就陪着 Lih Shan 一起去买些服饰等;唔,对我而言我还是比较喜欢到那些较少人的店子去慢慢儿地细选,要是每一个角落都挤满了人的话想要好好地看清自己要的到底是什么都相当的难,不是吗?

后来我们走着走着就到了 The Gardens 那里去吃甜点,真是很抱歉哦,我真的是想不起那间摊子的名称,只知道是位于士林正后方而已。我点了一碗鲜黄的芒果西米捞... 搞错啊我又再是吃完了以后才突然想起自己应该先拍张照片来留念一下的 =.= 真是笨笨呆呆又钝钝健忘的我

号外: 谢谢 Kim Hang 的甜品招待

Next we accompanied Lih Shan for some apparels shopping; hmm personally I prefer to shop at a less crowded place, because it's hard to choose nicely when you get surrounded by a whole bunch of people here and there

We then stopped by at The Gardens for desserts, well I can't really recall the shop's name, but it was located just at the back of Shi Lin outlet. I had a bowl of the yellowish Mango Lolo, again I only realized I should at least take a snap or so before I finished the whole dessert =.= stupid clumsy me

P/S: Again the desserts were all on Kim Hang, thanks man

Luckily we still got the menu on the desk

The Mango Lolo

Next time I want to try something else

好啦,是时候去看电影了... 其实我不知道该如何点评这一部影片呢,也许现在的我已经对恐怖电影失去了兴趣吧,再加上里边那冻得我十指的指甲都发紫了的空调... 我好像是不断地在察看时间,希望能够早些演完,好让我早点儿离开呢 x.x

OK... time for movie... ehrm not sure how should I put this, perhaps I was not really so into horror movies already, further more the theater was really chilling that even my finger nails turned purple so... basically I was kind of looking at my watch from time-to-time hoping the show would finished earlier x.x


从剧场里出来了以后,我们就到了一间名为小槟城美食馆的餐厅吃了些晚餐,才在傍晚七点左右道别离开。说真的他们的叻沙还蛮不错的;不过要是将之与我妈妈亲自烹调的相比当然是差得远了,她的手艺可是无法替代的 XD 看起来我真的是迫不及待地想在十月份时赶回家了

号外: 老兄,你干嘛又在付完一切费用啊?在这样下去我可真是不敢跟你出来了 =.= 至少给我一个机会充当一下风度翩翩的 “女绅士” 好吗?呵呵呵 XD

We had our dinner at Little Penang Kafe after movie before we get parted and headed back home at 7:00pm. Seriously the Asam Laksa was not bad; but nothing could be better than my mum's own cooking, totally splendid and irreplaceable XD Guess I just can't wait to get back to my hometown this coming October

P/S: Again... why you paid for everything? I dare not to come out with you again if this goes on =.= At least give me a chance to be a "gentle-lady" too will you? Hahaha XD

Little Penang Kafe

Asam Laksa

I prefer my mum's cooking XD
还是我妈煮的比较香 XD

终于都写完啦~ 再次对 Lih Shan 说声 “很高兴认识你” :)

Finally, that's all for the outing, and nice knowing you again Lih Shan :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kansai, 关西日式料理店

19 August 2008,零九年八月十九日
6:00pm - 7:20pm,傍晚六点至七点二十分
Kansai Japanese Restaurant of NZX,

The logo on the chopstick wrapper

首先呢... 不好意思啊各位,太久没更新了,最近我回到家好像看漫画看得有些上瘾了,一不小心就荒废忽略了 Facebook MSN AO 等,甚至是自己的部落格都不管了哈哈 XD 其实我注意这间店子蛮久了的,还一直不断地告诉自己总有一天要进去试吃他们的日式料理看看味道如何,现在我终于都做到了 XD

为您介绍位于牛车水的关西日式料理店... 就店面来看搭上红色鸟居的大门及类和式拉门是蛮吸引人的,唯一美中不足的应该就只是当日特餐展示台上那张写着错别字的小纸卡了,茶碗蒸应该是 chawan mushi 才对哦

First of all... sorry for the late update XD A bit addicted to manga recently haha thus ignored Facebook MSN AO & even blog~ Well... been quite some time since I noticed and kept telling myself that one day I'll be there to try the Japanese foods in this restaurant, and well I finally made it XD

Introducing Kansai Japanese Restaurant of NZX... Indeed the red color torii and the Japanese style sliding door would surely be the main attraction, the one and only flaw should be the wrong spelling on the paper card meant for the chawan mushi on the "Today's Special"'s display stand

Had difficulties shooting the light box,
reason being... my height and the tree branches

The shop front

They placed a red color torii at the outside,
kindly slide the left panel to enter the genkan

Side view of the entrance and the torii

Today's special... well should be chawan and not chwan
当天的特制套餐... 其实该是 chawan 而非 chwan

话说,当我一进入餐厅时我真的不是很确定自己该用什么语言来跟侍者们交谈,毕竟在牛车水一区真的是见过了太多看起来很像华裔但原来是邻国友族的工作人员... 中文?粤语?日语?英语?简单,还是以英语通杀好了

选好位置后就是时候该点菜了,感觉上自己是比较想要吃套餐又或是盖饭一类的,手卷和拉面等就留给下一次的到访吧,不过好像他们的套餐优惠好像蛮不错的... 惨了,到底该吃些什么呢 @.@ 果真是印证了选择太多也会让人觉得很头疼这一个道理

号外: 单是点菜就花了我将近十分钟的时间~ XD

Well, actually I wasn't really sure which language I should use to communicate with the waiter/waitress there, due to the fact that there's lots of Chinese-look-alike foreigners working there in NZX... Mandarin? Cantonese? Japanese? Or English? Guess English should be easiest and safest then

Time to place order after settled down and all, somehow for me I prefer to eat something like bento or don, guess I'd keep both temaki and ramen for the next visit, but hey their set promotions seemed not bad too... @.@ Gosh I had such a hard time just to decided what to eat, it's definitely true that at times the more choices you got, the harder it is to make a proper decision

P/S: It took me about 10 minutes before I finally decided what to eat~ XD

They put the set promo's menus on every single table

The Lunch Promotion

The Dinner Promotion

The chopstick wrapper & the tissue paper

A bit hard to shot their menu due to the UV laminated
cover and the lights inside the restaurant
要拍好这个菜谱真的... 对我而言很难

既然想点的食物都已交待好了,那在等待之际又该做些什么呢?当然正在读着我的稿子的你一定不会搞错我一般上会如何打发这一段时间的 :p 是时候去照些相了 ^^ 就先坐在位置上从附近的摆设拍起吧...

What should I do after the food ordering? Well since you are reading this I am more than sure that you know what I would do as usual :p Photo shooting time again ^^ First I started with snapping the area near me, without moving away from my seat...

The cashier counter and so on, view from my seat

The paper covered lamps

They put lots of Japanese style dolls and katana there

The katanas, snapped from afar

正好我的座位的正对面就有两间紧闭着的小厢间,想当年还在大学时每逢生日我都会和 Esther, Ryan 老大, Susan 等一起去马六甲 Jaya Jusco 楼上的那间森友日式料理店的包厢里庆生的,真的很怀念很怀念,纯纯的青春一去不复还了...

Happened that there were two tightly-shut rooms right opposite of where I get seated, kind of reminded me the time where we were all still studying in MMU... I celebrated all my birthday there at one of the rooms of Moritomo Japanese Restaurant (located at upstairs of Jaya Jusco Melaka) with Esther, Ryan, Susan, and so... How nostalgic... there would not be a take two for my innocent youth anymore...

The entrance to room named Aiko
名为 Aiko 的厢房入口处

Closer look of the title plate and the noren curtains

And the Miyako's
这则是 Miyako 厢房的紧闭之门

Featuring the Miyako title plate & the noren design
Miyako 的名牌和暖帘设计

坐着坐着... 好像很想走走看看去拍些不同的照片耶... 刚开始我只是打算偷偷放大远处的摆设来拍拍一下的,想不到店主竟然很大方地要我别在意,尽管随便拍好了,还甚至叫我打开厢房的门去看看呢... 真是怪不好意思的 x.x

How should I put this... I felt like want to walk around and snap more photos from different angle and places... Well at first I only simply zoomed and snapped some pictures from afar, and I'd never expected that the owner actually approached me saying it's OK for me to just make myself at home and take whatever picture I need... What's more, he even asked me to open the door to the rooms to have a better view... Was so shy and felt so embarrassed x.x

A replica of yukata

The area of my back

More seats and bigger rooms here

Entrance of the Osaka room
名为 Osaka 厢房的入口处

Title plate for the Osaka room & the wall deco
Osaka 厢房的名牌和墙上的饰物

Took this photo from the entrance to the Osaka room
从门缝间拍的 Osaka 厢房一角

The seats on the other side of the restaurant

The owner, Mr. Lim

后来呢,正当我和店主聊着的当儿侍者就来告诉我晚餐已经全都准备好了,也好,是时候开动了,来看看我的便当吧: 有味噌汤、茶碗蒸、红烧鸡、天妇罗、菜类、薯泥、白饭和饭后水果... 唔... 味噌汤蛮香浓的、茶碗蒸若是将之与森友比较起来则输了些、红烧鸡很不赖、菜类和薯泥都很好吃 ^^ 问题是很多!!! 好大份呃!!!

Well the waitress informed me that my dinner was ready and all served as I was chit-chatting with the owner, thus it's time for foods then, introducing my bento of the night... featuring the miso soup, chawan mushi, teriyaki chicken, tenpura, pickled vegetables, mashed potatoes, rice and fruits (as dessert). Basically the soup came with a really rich aroma, as for chawan mushi somehow I think Moritomo's would be relatively better, the teriyaki chicken was good, vegie and potatoes were really enjoyable too ^^ Ehrm... well the only problem was... the portion was way too big x.x

Miso soup & chawan mushi

The miso soup

My Chicken Teriyaki Bento

The Teriyaki Chicken (main dish)

Tenpura, the fan-shaped thingy was made of eggplant

Pickled vegetables

Mashed potato, topped with teriyaki sauce ^^
配上红烧酱的薯泥 ^^

好惨呃... 我好像是花了将近三刻钟才终于慢慢地勉强吃下我那丰富的晚餐 x.x 循例地再走走想要来个第二轮的照相活动;无奈我却因为感觉很累,再加上已有好几天没真正睡好的缘故而没多作久留,只是在寿司台附近拍了几张相片就向店主告辞了

Hmm... guess it took me about 45 minutes or so to try my best to eat my dinner x.x Second round of photo shooting after that, but I didn't stay too long inside the shop too as I was kind of tired and slightly lacked of sleep the days before, thus I only managed to snap a few at the sushi bar corner and bid farewell to the owner before I left the shop

The temaki sushi chef

He was working on the temaki dish order

The maneki neko at the sushi bar

This small deco reminded me of the koinobori

This noren featured the names of the edible fishes

The door, and the genkan out there

A wall deco on the left of the door

Lots of small golden bells

The location map, at the back of their business card

号外: 其实八月二十日(周四)那天我和同事也再次光顾了那里,不过也并没怎样拍照啦,只是快快地吃了一下就离开了,现在就来秀一下我那少少的相片了

P/S: Actually I was there again with my colleague on 20 August (Thursday) too, but well I didn't really take much of the photos too because we didn't stay long but mere dining and left the restaurant right after, hereby attached the limited photos I had

The bigger seat at the far end

How our seats looked like

I was thinking something like the light on the left corner
was actually the moon... when I was shooting this :p
幻想成了月亮 :p

My oyako don
我点的晚餐 -- 亲子

Oyako don, came with miso soup

Colleague's sushi set

Sushi set, take 2


Let's end the post here shall we ^^ To the shop owner and all the workers there, thanks for everything~